leslie anderson
oil paintings
I feel blessed to live in Maine: summers on the Blue Hill Peninsula on our downeast flower farm and winters in our cozy Portland loft. Whether out-of-doors or in my studio, my interests are the same: joyful, vibrant color; pattern and repetition; and the interplay of light and dark.
Click on the image to see the full painting and learn its story.
Click on the image to see the full painting and learn its story.
Oil Paintings
Lobster Bake 2
Ta Dah!
Stonington Lobster Coop
Maine Sunset 1
Maine Sunset 3
Peters Brook Angler
Harbor Fish, December
Underpier 2
Surry Swirls
Stonington Washday
Stonington Dories
Offshore Fog, Fifield Point
Black Pond
Wine Time Maine
Summer Stripes
Twilight, Ames Pond
Pink Hydrangeas
Cosmos & Barn
Autumn Dories
Busy Harbor
Quiet Harbor
Deck Zinnias
Two Pines, Carter Point
Pink Gerberas
Turkish Tulips
Fifield Point Pileup
Sedgwick, October
Harriman Point Storm Surge
Sedgwick Barren
Swain's Cove Rhythms
Old Souls, Campobello
Island Porch